To enroll in Dyslexia Rescue's online training program, simply forward your resume and letter of interest in the program to us. We will contact you to provide "next steps". The technology end of the program is still under development. Program application will include a full background check, criminal history check, personality testing, reference check, verification of prior education or certifications and a tele-interview.
In light of the recent, societal trend away from university education, we do not have any specific formal education background requirements. Each applicant will be thoroughly evaluated for suitability for the program. Program graduates will be ranked on a system that recognizes the level of education they entered the program with; for example: those who enter as qualified teachers will be ranked Level One, those who enter with a bachelor's degree of any kind will be ranked Level Two, those who enter with less formal education will be ranked Level Three. This system opens the door for practitioners of every level and yet, publicly recognizes the accomplishments of all.
*For those practitioners who choose to participate in our referral program, after completing their training, Dyslexia Rescue will publicly suggest that graduate practitioner's rates reflect these levels but will not enforce any such system, allowing graduates to set their own rates in their own private practices according to what the market will support. The reputation that each practitioner develops within their private practice will naturally affect the rates they are able to attract. Graduate certificates will also reflect the practitioner level.
Upon your acceptance to the program, tuition will be due. So, please make any needed preparations.